15 Weird Things Narcissists Do That Make You Watchful

15 Weird Things Narcissists Do That Make You Watchful
Photo by Jefferson Sees on Unsplash

Understanding Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Knowing what Narcissistic Personality Disorder is all about is essential to recognizing and managing the odd behaviors that people with this complicated mental disease display. Narcissism is much more than just a feeling of vanity or self-importance, despite what some others may think. Grandiosity is a recurring pattern in narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), as is an incessant need for praise and a lack of empathy for other people.

An important characteristic of narcissists is their constant want for approval and attention. They frequently engage in excessive self-promotion and persistently look to others for approval. They may use a variety of deceptive methods to get the attention they so desperately want due to their excessive need for validation. Narcissists will do whatever to uphold their inflated sense of self-worth, from controlling conversations to fabricating accomplishments.

The atypical conduct frequently exhibited by narcissists is their inclination to exhibit hypersensitivity towards criticism or any type of perceived rejection. Even though they present an air of invincibility, people with NPD can become extremely protective and angry at the slightest suggestion, let alone gentle criticism. Their innate dread of being found wanting or imperfect is the source of their great sensitivity, which they would stop at nothing to conceal.

It becomes clearer why people with narcissistic personality disorder exhibit such startling behaviors when these complex features of the condition are understood. With this understanding, we may go through social situations with greater assurance while being wary of any possible harm these odd behaviors displayed by narcissists around us may do.

Gaslighting: Manipulating and distorting your perception

Photo by Jefferson Sees on Unsplash

Narcissists utilize the psychological manipulation technique known as "gaslighting" to skew your understanding of reality. It frequently starts out slowly, with little white lies or the denial of specific events, which causes you to question your own judgment and memory. These strategies escalate over time, leaving you perplexed, nervous, and on edge all the time.

Gaslighting primarily operates by gradually undermining your self-confidence. The narcissist will constantly cast doubt on your skills and accomplishments, causing you to constantly doubt yourself. Constantly undermining you might make you feel insecure and useless, which will ultimately give the gaslighter more power over you.

Gaslighting also has the sneaky effect of cutting you off from anyone who might disagree with the manipulator's account of what happened. The narcissist seeks to undermine any potential support structure that might be able to help you see through their web of lies by disseminating false information or distorting the truth in front of others. Soon enough, you start doubting even your closest friends and family, and you start looking to the gaslighter alone for approval.

To summarize the above, we can conclude that gaslighting is a risky psychological manipulation technique that skews your judgment and undermines your feeling of value. Understanding this strategy can help you guard against falling into its trap and keep a more objective perspective on reality.

Love-bombing: Showering you with excessive affection

Love-bombing is one of the most devious strategies used by narcissists to ensnare their victims. They show you so much love, attention, and praise that at first it could seem like a dream come true. They will make extravagant gestures and passionate pronouncements to try and give you the impression that you are the center of their universe. But what looks like happiness at first might swiftly become a nightmare.

In essence, love-bombing is an emotional trick meant to entice you in. The narcissist takes control of your emotions and makes it difficult for you to resist their appeal by lavishing you with love and generosity. By using this tactic, they may frequently establish a strong emotional bond and accelerate closeness before disclosing their genuine motivations. It's critical to understand that this excessive love isn't real or true; rather, it's a way for them to satisfy their own self-serving needs rather than being motivated by love or concern for who you are as a person.

Victims of love-bombing may observe an abrupt change in behavior as they start to doubt or distance themselves from the narcissist. After they've managed to win your heart and focus, the overindulgent love starts to fade. Talks abruptly become one-sided or superficial; they don't seem to be interested in learning more about you or encouraging your goals. This withdrawal strategy is designed to keep you hooked while instilling in you a sense of uncertainty and bewilderment.

Hoovering: Pulling you back into their web

dragging you back into their web is known as "hovering." This manipulative move is intended to entice you back in after you have freed yourself from the narcissist's grasp. And just when you believed you were secure and headed toward recovery, they suddenly appear with their allure and assurances of improvement, making it very difficult for you to reject.

Guilt-tripping is one method that narcissists frequently do when hoovering. By playing the victim, they will try to guilt-trip you and get your empathy to take over, impairing your judgment. All of a sudden, the emphasis is on your alleged incapacity to forget or forgive them instead of their cruel deeds. They may even accuse you of being responsible for all of their previous wrongdoings, which would make you wonder whether you weren't actually at fault after all.

Narcissists might also entice you back by love-bombing you. This tactic entails showing you so much love, care, and appreciation that it will be challenging to resist their charms in the future. They are skilled at playing on your emotions and taking advantage of whatever weaknesses they may have found in your past relationship. They want to destroy any resistance and maintain control by showering you with kindness and fake devotion.

Hoovering is a deliberate tactic used by narcissists to reclaim control over their victims, despite the fact that it may initially appear to be an act of sincere regret or affection.

Triangulation: Creating tension and competition

Triangulation is one of narcissists' most cunning strategies for holding onto power. This tactic entails introducing a rival or imaginary third party into a relationship in order to incite conflict and rivalry. Narcissists can manipulate emotions, feed fears, and throw others off balance by setting individuals against one another.

For narcissists, triangulation serves a variety of functions. Primarily, it permits them to manipulate others in their relationships without accepting accountability for their deeds. They divert attention from their own failings or mistreatment by focusing on someone else. By creating rivalry amongst those around to them—friends, family, or love partners—narcissists are able to obtain affection and attention while simultaneously relishing the sense of dominance that accompanies observing others compete for their favor.

As I wrote above, narcissists skillfully employ triangulation as a poisonous strategy. It's critical that people caught up in these kinds of interactions identify the manipulative pattern at work and take action to keep themselves safe. Regaining control over one's experiences and well-being can be achieved by setting up firm boundaries and asking for aid from specialists or reliable friends.

Mirroring: Mimicking your interests and personality

Photo by Jefferson Sees on Unsplash

The capacity of narcissists to instantaneously take on your hobbies and demeanor as if they were their own is one of the most eerie traits about them. This habit, called mirroring, can be very unsettling. The fact that someone enjoys the same movies, music, or pastimes as you could initially seem attractive. But eventually, you might begin to see that their imitation goes beyond simple admiration.

Mirroring is a manipulation strategy used by narcissists to take control of you. They are able to generate a false sense of familiarity and closeness by imitating your preferences. It's a useful tactic for them to help you feel heard and validated while gradually breaking down barriers between you both. You can start to doubt your identity as a result of this unpleasant conduct and wonder if the relationship was real at all.

Silent treatment: Punishing you with emotional withdrawal

Narcissists use the silent treatment as a potent tool to manipulate their victims and cause them emotional suffering. It is a kind of discipline that extends beyond simple words or deeds; it is the deliberate cutting off of emotional ties, which makes you feel alone and in need of their attention. You're left questioning your actions, wondering what went wrong, and frantically attempting to win back their love as a result of this psychological warfare.

However, why do narcissists apply the tactic of silence? It has multiple uses for them. First of all, they are able to control and dominate you because they are aware that your desire for validation and acceptance will make you work even harder to win their favor. Second, it makes them feel better about themselves because they take great pride in the fact that they can influence your emotional state without uttering a word. Finally, it allows them to pretend to be the victim; by keeping quiet and emotionally aloof, they can portray themselves as the victim and further manipulate your feelings. The silent treatment essentially turns into a perverted kind of punishment passed off as self-preservation.

The fact that this approach leaves no physical evidence or scars behind is one of its many insidious qualities. In contrast to overt types of abuse that could cause obvious wounds or bruises, silent treatment takes place solely on an emotional level. This makes it challenging for people who are not a part of the dynamic to comprehend and feel what you're going through.

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Jessica Campbell

Hello I'm Dr. Jessica Campbell, a Dartmouth College-educated specialist in social interaction who is devoted and passionate about her work. By transforming relationships—both with others and with myself—I enable others to change their lives via my skill and distinctive style. Clients may unleash their full potential and overcome behavioral patterns that impede them by following my instruction. Being a skilled writer, I frequently offer insightful dating advice in my blog entries and articles. I provide readers the skills they need to successfully navigate the complicated world of relationships by fusing the most recent research with useful tactics. I have a sincere desire to see people flourish in their interpersonal relationships, and I have witnessed innumerable people go through significant changes while I have been their mentor. Because I'm empathic, I can offer a safe environment for clients to explore long-held views and uncover fresh viewpoints.

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Mark Harriman

Mark Harriman   article is checkedExpert Reviewed

Mark Harriman is a writer and editor with over a decade of experience in both lifestyle and relationships topics.

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