5 Benefits Of Transparency In A Relationship and how To Show It

5 Benefits Of Transparency In A Relationship and how  To Show It
Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

1. Introduction

Transparency in a relationship is a cornerstone of trust and intimacy. It involves being open and honest with your partner about your thoughts, feelings, and actions. When both individuals are transparent with each other, it creates a strong foundation for a healthy and lasting relationship. Honesty and openness play vital roles in building trust, fostering communication, and deepening emotional connections between partners.

Transparency creates a space in relationships, romantic or platonic, where people feel free to express themselves without worrying about being judged or rejected. This degree of openness fosters deeper empathy and intimacy by helping both couples get to know one another better. Transparency regarding emotions, wants, and even errors promotes open dialogue and problem-solving, which can deepen a couple's relationship.

In a relationship, being transparent involves more than simply words; it also entails deeds that reflect integrity and honesty. Maintaining consistency between your words and actions gives you credibility with your partner and strengthens your bond of trust. Genuine interactions—where both parties may be themselves without pretense or ulterior motives—are made possible by transparency.

2. Building Trust Through Transparency

Trust in any relationship is based on transparency. Open and honest communication between spouses creates a solid foundation of trust that endures difficulties. When people are open and honest about their feelings, ideas, and experiences, a safe environment conducive to trust is created. Couples' relationship can be strengthened by sharing weaknesses and concerns together, which can lead to a greater understanding of one another.

Transparency helps partners see and accept each other for who they really are, which is one way it builds trust. When people talk honestly without worrying about being judged or rejected, it fosters an atmosphere where both parties feel respected and heard. This affirmation fosters a sense of security in the relationship by increasing respect and understanding between the parties.

Open and honest communication keeps spouses from being estranged from one another due to misconceptions and presumptions. Couples who communicate honestly with each other can handle problems as they come up and end arguments before they get out of hand. This proactive approach fosters trust by showcasing an unwavering commitment to transparency and honesty in every facet of the relationship.🎛

Transparency is essentially like sunlight in a relationship; it sheds light on the murky areas and clarifies the dynamics between the parties. Together, with a commitment to open communication and this principle, couples can create a stronger bond based on respect, trust, and understanding.

3. Enhancing Communication Skills

Transparency in a relationship has several advantages, one of which is improved communication. A foundation of trust is built when both partners are forthright and honest with one another, facilitating improved communication. Transparency creates a secure atmosphere that encourages candid communication by doing away with the need for guessing games or covert objectives.

In relationships, vulnerability, empathy, and active listening are necessary for effective communication. Practice paying close attention to what your partner is saying without jumping around or planning your reply before they've finished. Demonstrate empathy by making an effort to comprehend their viewpoint and feelings. Being open and honest about your emotions without worrying about being judged is what it means to be vulnerable.

Setting up a specific time to discuss without interruptions, expressing thoughts with "I" statements rather than blaming others with "you" statements, and exercising patience and empathy throughout challenging conversations are some strategies for good communication. Keep in mind that communication is two-way and that you must be willing to listen intently to your partner as well as to express your own truth.

4. Strengthening Emotional Connection

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Strengthening the emotional bond between partners in a relationship is mostly dependent on transparency. Deeper emotional connection and trust are fostered when both parties are forthright and honest with one another. When you and your spouse share your vulnerabilities, anxieties, and insecurities, a safe environment can be created that allows you to connect deeper.

By fostering an environment where both partners feel welcomed for who they really are, transparency can strengthen the emotional tie between them. You can build a deeper sense of connection and understanding with your spouse by being transparent about your thoughts and feelings, which lets them see the true you. In the partnership, this vulnerability fosters compassion and empathy.

The emotional bond between spouses can be further strengthened by partaking in activities that encourage emotional closeness and vulnerability. You and your spouse can develop a closer relationship by scheduling specific time for lengthy talks about things like life experiences and ingrained convictions. Emotional closeness can also be increased by participating in trust-based activities, such as attempting new things together or sticking by each other when things go tough.

Maintaining emotional connection requires that both parties in a conversation feel heard and understood, which can only be achieved by active listening. Your relationship with your partner will be strengthened if you can empathize with them and validate their sentiments. Being thankful and appreciative of one another creates a good dynamic in the relationship and encourages emotional intimacy.

Performing deeds of kindness for your partner can also foster emotional closeness. Your partner will feel appreciated and cared for if you show them little acts of love and support, like writing encouraging notes or surprising them with their favorite delicacy. By doing these things, you not only demonstrate your love for each other openly but also fortify your emotional bond.

In a relationship, being transparent builds a solid basis for emotional connection to grow. You can create stronger connections with your spouse that are founded on acceptance, understanding, and trust by being open, honest, and vulnerable with them. Indulging in activities that encourage emotional closeness and vulnerability strengthens this bond even more and enables both partners to cultivate a satisfying relationship based on sincere connection.

5. Resolving Conflicts Healthily

Healthy conflict resolution is essential to a relationship's development and stability. Transparent problem-solving depends on open communication, which enables both sides to freely express their feelings, ideas, and worries. Couples can better comprehend each other's points of view by being open and honest about their feelings and opinions. This is crucial for successfully resolving problems.

Empathic reactions, a readiness to compromise, and attentive listening are tactics for having open and honest conversations about problems. By giving your partner your undivided attention and demonstrating your respect for their thoughts, you are engaging in active listening. Even though you may not agree with your partner's feelings totally, empathetic reactions show that you understand and accept their feelings. Last but not least, being open to compromise demonstrates that you value the connection more than being correct, which promotes cooperation and teamwork when resolving conflicts.

Couples who put these techniques into practice and keep lines of communication open when they disagree can not only settle disputes amicably but also fortify their relationship through respect and understanding. By being open and honest about problems, couples can develop emotional closeness and trust, which lays the groundwork for a happy and long-lasting union.

6. Fostering Mutual Respect and Understanding

In a partnership, transparency is essential to building mutual respect and understanding. Open, honest, and transparent communication builds a foundation of trust between people that fosters respect and expands understanding. Through this openness, partners are able to get to know one another well and establish a space where they both feel heard and respected.

It is essential to practice active listening in a relationship in order to foster mutual respect. This is listening intently to your spouse talk and making an effort to comprehend their point of view without passing judgment or interjecting. Open and non-defensive communication fosters an atmosphere in which both partners can express themselves without worrying about negative consequences. A healthy dynamic based on openness and trust also requires respect for personal space and limits.

Respect is strengthened when you express gratitude for your partner's ideas, emotions, and contributions. Partners' bonds can be strengthened significantly by expressing gratitude and acknowledging one other's efforts. Couples can build mutual respect and understanding at the heart of their relationship by emphasizing openness in communication and behavior.

7. Promoting Individual Growth Within the Relationship

One of the main advantages of openness in a relationship is that it fosters personal development. Sincerity creates a space where partners can freely discuss their ideas, emotions, and objectives, which promotes personal development. People can have a better understanding of themselves and strive for self-improvement within the relationship by being open and honest about their wants and goals.

Transparency also has the benefit of fostering personal growth in each partner. When both parties are at ease with being candid and transparent, they can encourage one another on their path to bettering themselves. This support fosters a positive dynamic wherein partners inspire one another to set objectives, conquer obstacles, and continuously grow as a pair and as individuals.

Based on the aforementioned information, we can say that accepting honesty in a relationship fosters both personal development and a stronger link between partners. Couples can support each other's goals in a safe space by encouraging honesty and transparency, which eventually results in a more satisfying and rewarding relationship.

8. Showing Vulnerability as a Sign of Strength

Photo by Jefferson Sees on Unsplash

In a relationship, displaying vulnerability is a potent method to foster closeness and trust. It shows transparency and honesty, which facilitates real connections. Being vulnerable allows people to reveal their actual selves, worries, and vulnerabilities, which strengthens relationships between partners. Vulnerability, contrary to popular opinion, is an act of courage rather than weakness. Being open about one's emotions and weaknesses requires courage because doing so puts one in danger of being rejected or judged.

In a relationship, accepting vulnerability can help partners become more empathetic and understanding of one another. When both parties are prepared to be transparent about their feelings and challenges, a safe space for support and communication is created. A sense of intimacy that goes beyond surface-level encounters can be fostered and the emotional bond strengthened by this reciprocal sharing. Being vulnerable makes it possible for partners to recognize one another for who they really are, which promotes compassion and acceptance in the partnership.

People who are vulnerable with their partners indicate that they trust them and encourage them to do the same. This mutual opening up of vulnerability can lay the groundwork for a trusting relationship. It represents a readiness to be accepted for who we really are, imperfections and all, without worrying about criticism or rejection. When both partners feel deeply accepted and understood, this degree of candor can foster a greater sense of intimacy and connection.

Vulnerability expression can promote emotional healing in a partnership. Pent-up emotions and catharsis can occur when old wounds or anxieties are revealed. This technique might help people heal from past traumas or unsolved difficulties by encouraging their spouse to understand and support them. Couples can overcome obstacles together and develop stronger bonds by being vulnerable with one another.

Furthermore, as I mentioned previously, developing great relationships based on intimacy, mutual trust, and understanding requires vulnerability. People can build strong, open, and genuine connections with their partners by accepting vulnerability as a sign of strength rather than weakness. Although it takes guts and candor to be vulnerable, doing so opens the door to a deep emotional connection that improves the relationship in many ways.

1. Share your feelings openly: Communicate your emotions honestly with your partner without fear of judgment.

2. Express your insecurities: Be willing to discuss your fears or uncertainties with your partner to foster understanding.

3. Admit mistakes: Acknowledge when you're wrong or when you've made errors, showing humility and accountability.

4. Seek support when needed: Don't hesitate to ask for help or comfort from your partner when facing challenges or difficulties.

5. Listen actively: Create space for your partner to express their vulnerabilities by listening attentively without judgment or interruption.

By incorporating these practices into your relationship, you can build a foundation of trust and intimacy through mutual vulnerability-sharing that strengthens your bond over time.

9. Creating a Safe Space for Open Communication

Building trust and closeness in a relationship requires creating a safe environment for honest conversation. The relationship between a couple is stronger when both of them feel comfortable enough to be honest with one another. It is possible to have open discussions about needs, wants, and worries in this kind of setting without worrying about criticism or retaliation.

It is essential to engage in active listening if you want to foster openness without passing judgment. This entails paying attention to what your partner is saying for real and not cutting them off or thinking of a reply before they've finished. Empathy is important in this situation as well; by placing yourself in your partner's position, you can better comprehend their viewpoint. A nonjudgmental environment where both parties feel heard and understood can be created by supporting your partner's open and respectful expression. Ultimately, demonstrating that it's acceptable to express worries, doubts, and vulnerabilities without fear of retribution by being vulnerable yourself can set the example for openness in the partnership.

To sum up what I've written thus far, couples may strengthen their bond and develop a relationship based on trust and understanding by making it a priority to create a secure space for honest conversation. Establishing judgment-free communication channels encourages partners to be real with one another, which strengthens their relationship over time.

10. Balancing Transparency with Personal Boundaries

In order to establish mutual respect and understanding, it is essential for partners to strike a balance between openness and personal boundaries. Being open and honest while establishing boundaries promotes security and trust in the partnership. It's critical to discuss with your spouse what information you feel comfortable disclosing and what should be kept confidential. This enables open communication and mutual safety between the parties.

It is possible to be open and truthful while maintaining privacy by communicating clearly. Talk to your partner about the subjects that are off-limits or too sensitive for you, and pay attention to their worries as well. Establishing a harmonious equilibrium between candid communication and honoring each other's personal space fortifies the basis of the partnership. Recall that privacy is only the value you place on keeping some aspects of your life to yourself; it has nothing to do with secrecy.

Healthy communication techniques like understanding, empathy, and active listening can be used to assist walk the tightrope between being open and honest while upholding personal boundaries. You may build a climate that supports openness without sacrificing each partner's right to privacy by making sure that both parties feel heard and valued. A healthy and happy relationship founded on mutual respect and trust results from striking a balance between openness and personal boundaries.

11. Honoring Each Other's Feelings Through Honesty

In order to build intimacy and trust in a relationship, it is essential that partners be honest in acknowledging each other's feelings. Honesty about feelings shows respect for each other's sentiments and fosters a comfortable environment for candid conversation between partners. Honesty in validation fosters empathy and understanding between partners, which strengthens emotional bonds. 😹

To keep things transparent in a relationship, it's crucial to communicate feelings both honestly and diplomatically. One piece of advice is to express your feelings to your partner using "I" phrases rather than blaming them. Saying "I feel upset when..." as opposed to "You make me feel upset when...", for instance, can effectively express your emotions without inciting defensiveness. Active listening is another helpful strategy; acknowledge and genuinely show interest in your partner's sentiments.

Couples can overcome obstacles with empathy and understanding by being honest with one another and being aware of one another's feelings. This will ultimately build their relationship through open communication.

12. Expressing Gratitude for Each Other's Transparency

Photo by Jefferson Sees on Unsplash

Sincere appreciation for your partner's openness will go a long way toward enhancing your relationship. Building trust and strengthening your bond with each other requires that you acknowledge and value each other's candor and openness. By thanking your spouse for being open and honest, you establish a secure environment for ongoing dialogue. It demonstrates your appreciation for their attempts to be open and vulnerable with you, which gives them confidence to keep talking to you about their feelings without worrying about being judged.

There are lots of original methods to express your appreciation for your partner's candor. You might thank them from the bottom of your heart and tell them how much you value their candor. It shows that you are interested in learning more about them when you take the time to have in-depth discussions about their emotions and experiences. You can show them how much you value their openness by making their favorite meal or surprising them with something they'll adore. Expressing praise and encouragement orally may be a powerful tool for reiterating the value of transparency in your partnership.💭

You may build a stronger foundation of trust and create the space for a closer, more emotional bond by actively valuing and enjoying each other's transparency. Remember that cultivating an environment of openness, respect, and understanding in your relationship is just as important as expressing your gratitude for your partner's honesty.

13. Reflecting Transparent Behavior Through Active Listening

In order to reflect transparent behavior in a relationship, active listening is essential. Active listening is being totally present and involved in the discussion, demonstrating to one's partner that you appreciate what they have to say. By fostering an atmosphere where both parties feel heard and understood, this enhances transparency.

One can begin by offering their partner their undivided attention in order to improve as a listener and communicator. You might demonstrate that you are actively listening to them and interested in understanding them by summarizing what they have said in order to validate their feelings and opinions. Inquiring with open-ended inquiries to elicit additional information and explanation can help improve communication and show that you are committed to openness in your partnership.

Empathy training and placing oneself in the position of one's spouse can improve mutual understanding and fortify the relationship. In addition to being transparent, you may build mutual respect and trust in your relationship by actively listening to your partner and having meaningful interactions.

14. Rebuilding Trust Through Transparent Actions

It can be difficult to mend a relationship when there has been a breach in trust. Since transparency encourages candor, openness, and vulnerability amongst partners, it is essential to this process. Transparency is essential when it comes to rebuilding trust—acting on it, not just talking about it.

Start by being transparent and honest with your partner about the previous problems that caused the trust to break down in order to reestablish trust. Accept responsibility for your acts and own up to your mistakes. Express sincere regret and empathy for the harm your actions may have caused to your spouse.

To demonstrate that you are dedicated to being transparent going forward, act consistently in both words and deeds. Create a space where you both feel comfortable expressing yourselves without worrying about criticism or negative consequences by being open and honest with your partner about your thoughts, feelings, and concerns. 🫠

Being accountable for your deeds and letting your spouse hold you accountable when necessary are other aspects of transparency. Make sure that both parties feel heard and understood by maintaining open lines of communication. You can mutually reestablish trust in the relationship by making a commitment to transparency in your actions and communication.

15. Celebrating Achievements Together With Transparency

One of the most effective ways to reinforce a couple's bond is through openly celebrating successes together. Couples can improve their relationship and develop trust by highlighting accomplishments made possible by being open and honest with one another. Making a shared vision board where both spouses may graphically reflect their unique goals and accomplishments is one concept for publicly celebrating successes. This encourages openness and gives each other a visible reminder of each other's accomplishments.

Recognizing and respecting one another's efforts in an open and honest manner is another approach to openly celebrate accomplishments. It demonstrates your interest in your partner's success and strengthens mutual support when you take the time to acknowledge and applaud their achievements. Another significant method for a couple to publicly celebrate milestones is to plan unique activities or surprises to mark the occasion. A romantic meal, a weekend away, or a modest token of gratitude can all strengthen the sense of happiness and accomplishment that permeates the partnership.

Taking part in cooperative endeavors that embody your mutual objectives and principles helps strengthen openness in your partnership. Volunteering, going back to school together, or starting a fitness program together are all examples of how to show openness and unity when celebrating successes. You can show off your transparency and mutually promote each other's progress by matching your activities to your partner's goals.

Enhancing the good effects of openness in your relationship can be achieved by engaging in effective communication and active listening while acknowledging accomplishments. You can demonstrate your sincere interest and commitment in your partner's journey by actively engaging with their experiences, thoughts, and emotions related to their accomplishments. A culture of openness where both partners feel comfortable discussing their triumphs in an authentic way can also be fostered by sharing your own insecurities or obstacles encountered along the way.

Essentially, transparently recognizing successes fosters an environment of respect, understanding, and support between partners. By encouraging openness, vulnerability, and mutual recognition of one another's personal development, it improves the emotional bond between spouses. Through embracing openness during both happy and difficult times, partners can develop a stronger relationship based on communication, trust, and sincere celebration of each other's accomplishments.

16. Handling Challenges Through Transparent Decision-Making

In any relationship, managing difficulties through open decision-making is essential. Since transparency promotes open communication and trust, it is important when making difficult decisions as partners. They can come to more informed judgments as a pair when they are open and honest about their feelings, ideas, and worries.

Setting aside time for frank conversations is a useful tactic for addressing issues with integrity and clarity. This permits unrestricted, judgment-free expression of self for both parties. To better comprehend one another's points of view, we must actively listen to each other's issues and points of view. An effective basis for settling disputes and conquering challenges as a team is transparency in decision-making.

Openly disseminating pertinent information is another strategy to encourage transparency. Being open and honest about one's thoughts, feelings, and expectations fosters respect for one another and helps prevent misunderstandings. Partners can work toward finding solutions that benefit both of them by being open and honest about each other's needs and boundaries.

Transparent decision-making works better when people are compassionate and empathic with one another throughout hard circumstances. Partners' relationship is strengthened and a sense of unity is fostered when they are able to understand and support each other's emotions.

Transparency in decision-making is crucial for establishing open communication, promoting trust, and fortifying the partnership overall when faced with relationship issues. Couples can improve their relationship by using techniques like open communication, active listening, transparent information sharing, practicing empathy, and demonstrating compassion to effectively handle challenging situations. 📑

17. Importance of Consistent Transparency Throughout Relationship Phases

Maintaining openness is essential during a partnership. Being honest and upfront from the start is important, but so is continuing to be so as the relationship develops. As a couple matures together, their needs, wants, and viewpoints shift. Couples are capable of navigating these transitions with compassion and understanding if they continuously practice transparency. Partners' relationship is strengthened and trust is fostered by this constant transparency.

In order for a relationship to evolve, communication must continue. Partners are better able to support one another on their own personal growth journeys when they are open and honest with one another about their ideas, feelings, and goals. A strong foundation for successful communication is created by consistency in transparency, which guarantees that both parties feel heard and understood at all stages of their relationship. Couples that value this constant openness can overcome obstacles and rejoice in each other's successes.

18.Recognizing Cultural Differences Impact On Transparency In Relationships

Understanding how cultural variations affect interpersonal transparency is essential to building mutual understanding and peace. Cultural backgrounds have a big impact on how people feel about being honest, transparent, and disclosing personal information. While prudence and indirect communication may be valued in certain cultures, direct communication and complete transparency may be prioritized in others.🤔

Recognizing and appreciating cultural differences is the first step towards navigating them in a relationship. Mutual trust and empathy can be developed by having open and honest discussions regarding one another's cultural beliefs, customs, and expectations. Talk about how your childhood shaped your beliefs about openness and truthfulness in a partnership.

When dealing with cultural variations about transparency, it's important to embrace diversity and have an open mind. Understand that there is no one-size-fits-all strategy for maintaining openness in relationships, and be prepared to make concessions or find common ground when needed. Transparency and understanding between you and your spouse can be greatly improved by demonstrating empathy, a readiness to learn, and consideration for their cultural background.

19.Transparency Online and Offline: Nurturing Solidarity In Modern Relationships

Transparency in a relationship goes beyond in-person interactions in the current digital world. In today's relationships, fostering unity requires understanding the intricacies of both offline and online communication. Through an analysis of the digital dynamics present in transparent relationships, couples can gain a deeper understanding of how technology and social media influences affect their relationship.

The strengthening of mutual trust and understanding between partners is one advantage of transparency, both online and offline. Couples can strengthen their foundation by being honest and genuine with each other and with one another by freely expressing their ideas, emotions, and activities both in person and online. The whole quality of the relationship is improved by this open communication, which promotes a sense of security and respect for one another.

Couples can set limits in the digital sphere by being transparent in both domains. Given the importance of social media in contemporary relationships, it is helpful to be open and honest about one's online conduct to avoid miscommunication or insecurity. Partners can prevent problems by talking about expectations about posting content on social media, communicating with others online, and maintaining privacy.

Transparency both online and offline enables partners to support one another's uniqueness while being united as a couple. Through the exchange of ideas, viewpoints, and experiences through diverse media, partners can cultivate a more profound admiration for one another's individuality. Within the relationship, this mutual acceptance fosters personal development and fortifies emotional ties.

Couples can have regular check-ins to participate in open communication about their digital habits and concerns in order to display transparency in both online and offline situations. Dedicated time slots for discussing social media usage, proper communications, and other online activities can foster harmony and understanding. Partners are able to negotiate such obstacles with empathy and collaboration when they are aware of how interactions on digital platforms may affect the relationship.

Intimacy and connection between couples can be improved by crafting shared experiences that incorporate both online and offline components. Whether it's organizing virtual get-togethers or social media competitions, or having deep talks about how much content we consume online, figuring out how to combine digital and offline contacts strengthens relationships and celebrates one another's passions.

In conclusion, couples can build trust, foster unity amidst social media influences, and consolidate their connection via open communication and respect for one another by adopting openness in both their online and offline relationships. Fostering a flourishing modern relationship based on trustworthiness requires partners to navigate the digital realm together while sustaining ideals of transparency, understanding, and support at every turn.

20.Navigating Family Dynamics With Openness And Truthfulness

Adopting transparency may be very beneficial when it comes to negotiating family dynamics in a relationship with honesty and openness. Our ideas and conduct in relationships are greatly influenced by our families. Partners can have a deeper understanding of one other's expectations, values, and background by being open and honest about family matters. The relationship between people is strengthened and empathy is fostered by this open conversation.

One way to handle family-related issues in a relationship openly is to prioritize the demands of the partnership and establish limits with extended family members. Open communication is crucial for discussing any worries or disputes that could result from relationships amongst family members. Couples can work together to find solutions that respect their families and their relationship by being upfront and honest about concerns. Being open and understanding in the partnership is demonstrated by engaging in active listening and providing assistance in trying family circumstances.

Transparency in navigating family dynamics fosters mutual respect and trust between partners. Couples can create a solid foundation for a robust and healthy relationship that respects both individual identities and shared experiences by being open and honest when it comes to family problems.


Based on everything mentioned above, it is clear that having open communication in a relationship has many advantages and can improve a couple's bond. Transparency develops greater emotional closeness, stronger relationships, mutual understanding, and a sense of security and stability in the relationship by encouraging open communication and trust. Developing an open and honest communication style with your partner is essential to building a satisfying and long-lasting relationship. It enables both parties to navigate obstacles together and feel heard, respected, and valued. A friendship based on trust and genuineness can only flourish when there is transparency.


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Benjamin Sanders

🌟 I'm Dr. Benjamin Sanders, a social science specialist and psychology graduate from New York University. I'm passionate about changing lives by self-awareness and deep connections. Encouraging people to reach their full potential and have happy lives is my goal as a committed professional.

🔍 I lead clients toward self-discovery and personal development because of my vast experience in comprehending the nuances of human behavior. I help people develop remarkable relationships that improve their personal and professional lives by assisting them in shifting limiting ideas and breaking free from old patterns.

✍️ I frequently write interesting dating articles and advice that offer insightful advice on creating wholesome connections in an effort to share my experience with a larger audience. The purpose of my writing is to provide people with useful tools so they may confidently navigate the intricacies of contemporary relationships.

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Mark Harriman

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Mark Harriman is a writer and editor with over a decade of experience in both lifestyle and relationships topics.

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