15 Reason Why Relationships Are Complicated

15 Reason Why Relationships Are Complicated
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1. Introduction

Relationships are complex webs of expectations, feelings, and exchanges that can send us on an emotional rollercoaster. Relationships may be fulfilling and difficult at the same time, from misunderstandings to priorities that don't align. Navigating relationship complexity with patience and empathy requires an understanding of why relationships can be complex. We must investigate the causes of these subtleties because every relationship has unique dynamics and nuances that add to its complexity.😥

2. Lack of Communication

One of the main reasons relationships become problematic is a lack of communication. Misunderstandings can easily occur when partners fail to express their needs, wants, and feelings in an efficient manner. Unresolved conflicts may boil beneath the surface as a result of this lack of communication, causing stress and separating the parties.

When there is poor communication, people frequently assume things rather than asking questions. Misunderstandings of words or deeds have the power to turn minor arguments into heated arguments. When there is a lack of open communication, doubts and insecurities can grow and undermine trust in the partnership.

it is difficult to approach issues in a healthy manner when one or both partners withhold their feelings from one another. Suppressing emotions can cause animosity to fester over time, which may result in heated disputes or emotional detachment. In any relationship, understanding, compromise, and a closer bond are all dependent on effective communication.

3. Different Expectations

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Each partner usually brings expectations of their own into a partnership. These expectations may originate from a number of things, including society norms, cultural influences, and individual experiences. However, relationship problems may arise if these expectations are not clearly expressed or if they are not in line with one another.

For example, one spouse can value independence and personal space, while the other might expect the other to put their needs first. This mismatch in expectations may lead to conflict, misunderstandings, and damaged feelings. In order to prevent these issues, it is imperative that couples discover common ground early in their relationship and have an open discussion about their expectations.

Inadequate anticipations may also emerge concerning aspects like modes of communication, forthcoming objectives, and even responsibilities in the partnership. While one partner may want more privacy and independence, the other may anticipate regular communication throughout the day. Similar to this, if disagreements over marriage, having kids, a career, or home duties are not resolved early on, they may cause conflict.

It takes tolerance, comprehension, and skillful communication to get through these difficulties brought on by different expectations in a partnership. In order to meet the demands of both spouses, couples must be prepared to listen to each other's viewpoints without passing judgment and make concessions. Couples may resolve many of the issues brought on by these disparities by accepting and respecting one another's expectations and cooperating to reach a shared understanding.

4. Trust Issues

Any healthy relationship, whether romantic, platonic, or professional, is built on trust. But even the strongest of relationships can become complicated by trust concerns. A hurdle that prevents the formation of a strong and meaningful connection can be created when one or both partners have previously been the victim of betrayal or dishonesty. Trust problems can take many forms, including persistent mistrust, jealousy, or a reluctance to disclose one's true feelings. They are frequently the result of past experiences.

When trust concerns are present in a relationship, communication becomes essential. It is important for both spouses to actively listen to each other's worries and to communicate their sentiments in an honest and open manner. It takes time and work to establish trust, but little acts of dependability and consistency can help the relationship regain security little by little. In order to improve trust, couples therapy or counseling may also be helpful in addressing underlying issues and adopting efficient communication techniques.

Rebuilding trust also entails putting the past behind us and concentrating on our current activities. To stop trust violations in the future, it necessitates being vulnerable, being willing to forgive, and setting reasonable boundaries. Although delicate, trust is necessary for relationships to succeed. Couples can build a stronger foundation based on mutual respect, honesty, and understanding by addressing and resolving trust difficulties jointly.

5. Past Baggage

An important factor in determining a relationship's dynamics is past baggage. Relationship problems from the past or early life events can influence communication styles, erode trust, and shape conduct in the present. Unresolved trauma, open wounds, or residual insecurities from our past might make it difficult to build positive relationships with other people. Maintaining a healthy relationship requires us to acknowledge how our prior experiences impact our relationships in the here and now.

Individuals frequently carry over their emotional baggage into new partnerships. Unresolved issues or unresolved feelings from past relationships may come up again in the present. Unresolved concerns can show up as infidelity issues, jealousy, or intimacy problems. Unresolved emotions from the past might cause people to unintentionally damage their current relationships if these underlying reasons are not addressed.✉️

Our expectations in partnerships might also be shaped by our past experiences. Someone who has experienced hurt or betrayal in the past may put up barriers in a new relationship, anticipating the same results. These preconceived conceptions can impair judgment, make it difficult to connect and truly trust a new relationship, and inhibit judgment. Fostering better and more meaningful relationships requires an understanding of how our past experiences shape our expectations.

Communication problems in a partnership may arise from past baggage. Fears or insecurities brought on by unpleasant memories can cause emotional reactions or misunderstandings that aren't always accurate to the circumstances at hand. A deeper level of understanding and connection can be fostered and the link between partners strengthened by learning to talk honestly about and work through past wounds.

The secret to resolving the complications that develop in relationships is to acknowledge and deal with old baggage. Through cultivating self-awareness, demonstrating empathy toward both ourselves and our partners, and obtaining assistance when required, we may overcome our emotional baggage and establish more robust foundations for enduring and satisfying relationships.

6. External Influences

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Relationship complexity is largely influenced by outside factors. Relationship development and functioning can be significantly impacted by a variety of factors, including familial dynamics, cultural differences, and societal expectations. Families may impose their own ideas and beliefs on couples, which can lead to conflict and miscommunication. Tension in a relationship can also result from societal pressures to live up to expectations or norms, which can cause arguments or insecurity. Negotiating cultural differences can make it difficult for spouses to communicate and comprehend one another.

A relationship may also be strained by outside factors including financial hardships, work-related stress, or health problems. The pressures of work often spill over into personal relationships, making it difficult to spend quality time together or causing arguments because of boredom or inattention. Tension and arguments over spending patterns, plans for the future, and budgeting can arise from financial difficulties. Because it calls for more support and understanding from both parties, coping with health issues—whether individual or familial—can complicate a relationship even further.

In the current digital era, relationships are also significantly impacted by technology. Digital distractions, social media use, and online communication habits can all affect how partners communicate with one another. Relationship quality can be negatively impacted by problems such as envy resulting from social media contacts, a lack of face-to-face conversation owing to excessive screen time, or even device addiction.

External factors are ultimately very important in determining how relationships function. Maintaining a solid and satisfying relationship with your partner requires being aware of these concerns and figuring out good strategies to address them.

7. Emotional Baggage

7. Relationships can be made considerably more difficult by emotional baggage. Unresolved feelings from the past can fester beneath the surface and affect how we interact with people now. These unresolved emotions, which may stem from childhood trauma, past heartbreak, or trust concerns, can erect obstacles in the way of a relationship's ability to communicate honestly and build trust.

People who carry emotional baggage may find it difficult to communicate their actual sentiments or to fully trust their partners. This lack of emotional transparency can cause miscommunication, conflict, and a general feeling of separation in the partnership. Unresolved feelings might show up as envy or insecurity, which can further muddle interpersonal interactions.

Both partners in the relationship must be vulnerable and introspective in order to address emotional baggage. It entails owning up to previous wrongs, resolving them together, and making the deliberate decision to speak honestly and freely. Couples can deepen their connection and create a stronger basis for their partnership by empathetically processing and negotiating these difficult feelings.

To put it simply, developing a deeper connection and a satisfying partnership require acknowledging and resolving emotional baggage. To go forward toward a more harmonious and meaningful relationship, one must have compassion, patience, and the courage to face challenging feelings head-on.

8. Insecurities

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Relationship dynamics can be greatly impacted by insecurities, which can add unnecessary complexity. Personal insecurities can cause problems in relationships, including envy, a lack of trust, and a breakdown in communication. These fears are frequently caused by unresolved emotional baggage, low self-esteem, or traumatic experiences.📘

There are several ways that insecurities can show up in a relationship. For example, when one spouse is insecure and always needs to be reassured, it can be stressful for the other relationship and cause frustration or a sense of suffocation. Insecurity in one person can result in their spouse misinterpreting their benign acts, which can lead to needless misunderstandings and conflicts.🎛

Taking care of one's own insecurities is essential to maintaining a strong and long-lasting relationship. It necessitates candid communication, compassion, and cooperation from both parties. Couples can strengthen their relationship and develop trust by acknowledging and overcoming each other's fears and working together to appreciate and accept one another.

9. Changing Priorities


Individuals' priorities change as they mature and develop. As each person's focus changes as a result of this natural growth, relationships may become more complex. Things that formerly matched perfectly may suddenly diverge, making communication and decision-making difficult. Navigating the complexities of a relationship requires understanding and appreciating these shifting priorities. This will encourage open communication and compromise and guarantee that both parties feel supported and appreciated. Partner relationships can be strengthened and mutual understanding of aims and objectives can develop when both parties embrace this transformation jointly.

10. Fear of Vulnerability

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Relationship complexity is largely caused by a fear of vulnerability. Fear of emotional vulnerability and openness puts boundaries between people and their relationships. It might be difficult to trust and completely participate in a relationship because of this fear, which may have its roots in painful or rejected past experiences. It's challenging to develop closeness and meaningful ties with someone without showing vulnerability.

Vulnerability in a relationship is necessary to build mutual understanding and trust. It makes it possible for people to express their own feelings, thoughts, and desires without worrying about being rejected or judged. Communication becomes difficult and can result in miscommunications and arguments when one or both partners are reluctant to show vulnerability. Issue resolution becomes difficult in the absence of honest and open communication, thus complicating the relationship.

People may be unable to effectively communicate their needs and boundaries due to a fear of seeming vulnerable. Relationship disappointments and unfulfilled expectations may result from this lack of openness. Couples who find it uncomfortable to be vulnerable with one another may turn to avoidance or defensive actions, which may drive a wedge between them and prevent them from being close.

It takes time, bravery, and willingness on the side of both partners to establish a secure environment conducive to candor and openness in order to overcome the fear of vulnerability. People can begin to develop trust and emotional intimacy in their relationships by owning up to their anxieties and uncertainties. Greater fulfillment and stronger relationships in a partnership can result from accepting vulnerability as an asset rather than a negative.

11. Power Struggles

Disparities in the power dynamics between spouses are frequently the cause of power battles in partnerships. These difficulties may be caused by a number of things, including past experiences, anxieties about oneself, or cultural conventions. Power disparities can cause disagreements, animosity, and communication difficulties.

In many areas of the relationship, such as decision-making, money matters, or emotional support, partners may compete for dominance or control. This power struggle can lead to conflict and make it more difficult for equals to collaborate. It is imperative that both parties acknowledge these dynamics and work toward a more equal allocation of authority.

Power conflicts may have an effect on the relationship's general wellbeing. Intimacy and trust may be damaged if one spouse feels oppressed or undercut daily. It will take open communication, respect for one another, and a desire to work together rather than vie for supremacy to overcome these obstacles. In order to manage power dynamics and promote a more harmonic relationship dynamic built on equality and understanding, couples therapy or counseling can also be helpful.🥰

12. Different Communication Styles

Any relationship needs communication, but having different communication styles can often make things more difficult. Humans can communicate in a variety of ways, including through body language, words, and actions. Due to each person's distinct communication style, what one person interprets as a clear message may be interpreted differently by another, which can result in misunderstandings.

Some people find that understanding requires clear, concise communication; they like to express their ideas and feelings in precise detail. However, other people communicate themselves more through nonverbal clues or subliminal messages. Confusion and misunderstanding may arise in a relationship when these divergent approaches intersect.

A person's communication style may be influenced by their upbringing, cultural background, and prior experiences. While some people prefer direct interaction to deal with problems head-on, others may completely shun confrontations. If these approaches are not acknowledged and accepted by both sides, they may cause conflict in a partnership.

It's essential to recognize and respect one another's communication preferences in order to negotiate the challenges brought on by these variations. To communicate with your partner effectively, you need to be patient, empathetic, and flexible. Couples can strengthen their relationships and create deeper bonds based on mutual respect and understanding by recognizing and appreciating these differences in self-expression.

13. Lack of Boundaries

Establishing limits is essential to preserving a positive dynamic between partners in a relationship. Disagreements and misunderstandings are common when boundaries are not well established. To promote respect and understanding between parties, it is crucial for each individual to express their needs, expectations, and boundaries.

Without limits, it's simple for one or both parties to experience neglect or suffocation in the partnership. Setting up limits that are unambiguous aids partners in preserving their distinct identities. This preserves a healthy degree of independence and permits each person to exhibit their uniqueness while also encouraging closeness and connection with their mate.😠

Boundaries also function as standards for appropriate conduct in a partnership. Partners can prevent unintentionally stepping over each other's emotional or physical boundaries by establishing boundaries about what is and isn't appropriate. This fosters mutual respect and trust, giving couples a secure place to be vulnerable without worrying about criticism or hurt.

Setting limits also facilitates communication between partners about their triggers and preferences. People can avoid inadvertent confrontations or wounded sentiments by being honest about what unnerves or worries them. This degree of openness strengthens the emotional connection between partners by fostering empathy and compassion in the partnership.

Setting limits in a relationship is about building a foundation of respect and understanding for one another. It gives both partners the confidence to communicate their wants and requirements while respecting their significant other's. Establishing unambiguous limits at the outset and periodically reviewing them helps couples overcome obstacles and develop a deeper, more satisfying bond.

14. Unresolved Conflict

Relationships can suffer from unresolved disputes, which can gradually cause anger and stress to rise between partners. Unresolved conflicts frequently develop into more serious ones that can test even the strongest relationships. Any relationship needs communication, and when issues remain unsolved, it's a sign that something is wrong with this vital component of positive connection.

Ignoring disagreement creates a precedent for future communication failures in addition to failing to settle the current problem. Couples may start to completely avoid talking about significant issues for fear of conflict or retaliation. This avoidance strategy causes unsolved problems to accumulate and may eventually blow out in larger disputes.

Unresolved disputes give rise to miscommunications and wounded sentiments that, if allowed to continue, can seriously harm a partnership. Couples must deal honestly and openly with each other when they disagree in order to keep small problems from becoming into impossible roadblocks. Couples who approach disagreements head-on and with grace are more likely to find a solution that works for them both in the long run.

15. Managing Expectations

In order for a relationship to succeed, expectations must be managed. Expectations that aren't aligned might cause miscommunication, disputes, and disappointment. It's critical for partners to have honest and open communication about their needs, wants, and boundaries in order to manage this complexity. Reliability and a willingness to make concessions can foster a more contented and peaceful relationship.

Regular communication is a useful tactic for setting expectations in a relationship. To make sure they are in agreement, couples should set aside time to talk about their aims, values, and goals. Partners are able to better understand one another and modify expectations through this continuous communication.

Understanding individual differences is a crucial component in managing expectations. Every individual contributes their distinct upbringing, life experiences, and viewpoints to the partnership. Avoiding erroneous presumptions or projections of the other person can be facilitated by acknowledging and appreciating these distinctions.

Developing empathy and engaging in active listening are crucial abilities for handling differences in expectations. You may promote mutual understanding and identify points of agreement by paying close attention to what your partner has to say and making an effort to see things from their point of view.

By embracing open communication, mutual respect, empathy, and compromise, couples can work together to align their expectations and build a stronger foundation for their relationship.

16. Financial Disagreements

Financial conflicts frequently constitute a major factor in the complexity of partnerships. Even the strongest of relationships between partners can be strained by financial issues. Tension and disputes in a relationship might result from misaligned financial goals, different spending patterns, or disproportionate contributions to expenses.

Talking about money might reveal hidden problems in a relationship, such as different perspectives on security and wealth. Collaborating on financial matters demands openness, confidence, and flexibility. Disagreements may intensify and lead to needless stress between spouses in the absence of open communication and mutual respect while handling financial problems.

Unbalanced power dynamics in a financial relationship can also affect harmony inside the partnership. Resentment and a sense of undervaluation might arise if one partner manages the finances or makes all the financial decisions without consulting the other. Maintaining a strong and healthy relationship requires striking a balance in financial negotiations so that both parties feel listened and valued.

17. Social Pressures

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Social influences are a major factor in the complexity of relationships. Relationships can face stress and strain as a result of the expectations and standards that society frequently places on them. These expectations could include pressure on couples to meet particular milestones within a set amount of time, as well as expectations based on gender roles in society. The pressure to live up to certain social norms can cause miscommunications, arguments, and even relationship breakups.

Social forces might also affect how people view their own relationships. Couples may conceal any difficulties or problems they may be having in order to give society the impression that their relationship is flawless. Maintaining a façade of perfection can make it difficult for partners to be open and honest with one another about their struggles and feelings, which ultimately impedes communication and problem-solving.

How people define success in relationships can also be influenced by cultural expectations. Real emotional connection and compatibility between couples can be overshadowed by a reliance on outward criteria like material goods, social standing, or public demonstrations of devotion. Couples may experience conflict and discontent because they place more emphasis on fulfilling external expectations than developing a strong, meaningful bond.🖐

Relationships are severely hampered by social influences that establish standards, mold views, and determine priorities. Couples must put genuineness, honest communication, and understanding above social norms in order to overcome these pressures. Partners can have stronger and more satisfying relationships by acknowledging and resolving the influence of social expectations on their relationship dynamics.

18.Impact Of Technology

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Technology has completely changed how we connect and communicate with people in the current world, including in our romantic relationships. Although technology has many advantages, it also brings with it complications that can affect relationships in many ways.

1. **Communication Overload**: Constant contact brought about by technology can overload people with a barrage of messages and notifications, making it difficult for them to concentrate on their relationship.

2. **Misinterpretation**: Texting and messaging are prone to misinterpretation due to the lack of facial expressions and tone of voice. This can lead to misunderstandings and arguments between couples.

3. **Digital Distractions**: Social media and smartphones can be a distraction during in-person conversations, drawing the focus away from the other person and impeding meaningful dialogue.

4. **Comparison Trap**: People compare their real life to these idealized online representations of people's lives, which leads to inflated expectations in relationships. Social media platforms frequently feature carefully chosen highlights of people's lives.

5. **Privacy Concerns**: If boundaries about what is shared online are not clearly stated or respected, sharing personal information online might give rise to privacy concerns within a relationship.

6. **Emotional Disconnect**: Excessive screen time and digital interactions may lead to an emotional disconnect between partners as they prioritize virtual connections over real-life interactions.

7. **Overreliance on Technology**: Relying too much on technology for communication or amusement might weaken the emotional bond between partners as they may choose to communicate virtually rather than spend valuable time together in person.

8. **Trust Issues**: If partners are suspicious of dishonesty through digital channels like social media or messaging, or feel anxious about their online interactions with others, the ubiquity of online communication can create trust issues within relationships.😚

9. **Addiction Concerns**: Technology addiction, whether it be to gaming or social media, may take up a lot of time and energy that could be used to improve a relationship, which can cause strain or neglect between partners.

10. **Lack of Boundaries**: When boundaries about technology use are not established in a relationship, it can become difficult to distinguish between private time spent together and separate screen time, which may lessen intimacy and connection.

11. **Intimacy Challenges**: Intimate moments may be disrupted by technological interruptions like incoming calls or notifications, hindering opportunities for bonding and closeness between partners.

12. **Pressure to Present a "Online Image"**: People in relationships may prioritize appearances over authenticity as a result of pressure to maintain a certain online persona, which could undermine mutual trust and a sincere connection.

13. **Conflict Escalation Online**: Misunderstandings in text-based communication that lack the subtlety present in face-to-face talks can cause arguments or disputes that start offline to grow when continuing through digital means.

14. **Insecurity Amplification**: If one partner feels threatened by interactions they witness online, comparisons made possible by social media posts or communications may exacerbate jealously or insecurities inside the relationship.

15. **Impact on Quality Time**: Excessive use of electronics can prevent couples from spending quality time together and creating memories and shared experiences that are essential to preserving a solid bond.


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One of the main things that might complicate relationships is envy. People may feel intimidated by imagined competition because of their own fears or experiences from the past. This emotional response can take the form of controlling, suspicious, or possessive behavior, all of which can damage communication and trust in the partnership.

It takes open and sincere conversation between partners to deal with jealousy. Establishing a foundation of trust and security requires addressing the underlying reasons of envy. Increasing self-awareness and dealing with fears on a personal level can help reduce envy and foster a positive dynamic in the relationship.

Another way to lessen envy is to set expectations and boundaries for social interactions, communication, and personal space. Establishing unambiguous rules and honoring each other's independence help partners create a foundation of trust that supports a more stable and satisfying relationship. Dealing with envy calls for tolerance, understanding, and a readiness to face uncomfortable feelings in order to improve the relationship between couples.

20.Time Management

Effective time management is essential in relationships to minimize issues. It might be difficult to balance your personal time, quality time with your partner, professional obligations, and other responsibilities, but doing so is necessary for a happy and fulfilling relationship. Establishing limits and priorities promotes mutual respect and worth for both parties. It is possible to avoid misunderstandings and needless confrontations by communicating expectations and timelines clearly. Partner relationships can be strengthened and quality time spent together increased by taking the time to organize activities and establish common goals. A deeper connection and a stronger foundation for a relationship can also result from choosing quality over quantity while spending time together.

21.Family Dynamics

Relationship complexity can be greatly impacted by family dynamics. Our upbringing influences our attitudes, actions, and interpersonal expectations. Our upbringing is frequently the root cause of problems including attachment patterns, communication styles, and conflict resolution techniques. Complexity in our current relationships might also arise from unresolved family disputes or trauma.

Miscommunications and conflicts over priorities or values might result from partners having different familial origins. When attempting to manage a shared life, cultural differences, differing degrees of connection with family members, or conflicting parenting approaches learned in childhood might create difficulties. It is essential to identify and comprehend these factors in order to address and resolve relationship issues resulting from familial dynamics.

Family dynamics can also have an impact on how people express their feelings, handle closeness, or manage trust in relationships. One's ability to connect intimately with a partner or to be vulnerable may be hampered by past encounters with family members. Learning to communicate honestly about these effects and working together to build new patterns based on mutual understanding and respect is crucial to overcome the complexity that arise from differing family histories in relationships.🖇

22.Healthy Vs Unhealthy Relationships

Understanding the differences between healthy and dysfunctional relationship patterns is essential to comprehending the complexity of relationships. Healthy relationships are characterized by communication, mutual respect, trust, and support. Every partner experiences a sense of security, worth, and freedom to develop both personally and as a pair. Equitable partnerships necessitate candid communication, flexibility, and the capacity to settle disputes in a positive way.

On the other hand, power imbalances, manipulation, control, and contempt are traits of toxic relationships. One partner may display envy, insecurity, or emotional abuse in toxic relationships. Toxic relationships frequently have poor or nonexistent communication, which breeds miscommunication and resentment. Early detection of these warning signs can help people from delving further into a poisonous relationship.

It's critical to be aware of how you feel in a relationship: are you respected and supported? Or do you feel exhausted and unloved? To ensure your safety, follow your gut and establish limits. If you think you could be in an unhealthy relationship, get help from friends, family, or a therapist. Keep in mind that you should be in a relationship that makes you feel better about yourself rather than lessens it.

Knowing the distinction between toxic and healthy patterns enables people to make wise choices regarding their relationships. Making self-care a priority and asking for assistance when necessary will help you manage the intricacies of relationships with more confidence and clarity. Choose happiness and contentment in your relationships with other people instead of settling for less than you deserve.📣


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About Author

Jessica Campbell

Hello I'm Dr. Jessica Campbell, a Dartmouth College-educated specialist in social interaction who is devoted and passionate about her work. By transforming relationships—both with others and with myself—I enable others to change their lives via my skill and distinctive style. Clients may unleash their full potential and overcome behavioral patterns that impede them by following my instruction. Being a skilled writer, I frequently offer insightful dating advice in my blog entries and articles. I provide readers the skills they need to successfully navigate the complicated world of relationships by fusing the most recent research with useful tactics. I have a sincere desire to see people flourish in their interpersonal relationships, and I have witnessed innumerable people go through significant changes while I have been their mentor. Because I'm empathic, I can offer a safe environment for clients to explore long-held views and uncover fresh viewpoints.

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Mark Harriman

Mark Harriman   article is checkedExpert Reviewed

Mark Harriman is a writer and editor with over a decade of experience in both lifestyle and relationships topics.

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